
Я Маріуполь. Житло

Supporting vulnerable residents of Mariupol: implementation of social housing programme continues

The implementation of the I'Mariupol. Housing programme continues. The first pilot project in Ukraine to reboot an existing dormitory into comfortable social housing for Mariupol residents was implemented in Dnipro. Renovation works are ongoing in two more. In addition, in a number of cities across the country, cooperation with communities is being established and negotiations are underway with potential donors to renovate premises for social housing.

The Mariupol municipality brought together the state, international partners and business with the first pilot project of the I'Mariupol. Housing programme. At that time, Rinat Akhmetov's SCM became one of the partners. In 2023, the first pilot dormitory for Mariupol residents was opened in Dnipro.
Two more dormitories in Dnipro are currently undergoing renovation. It was funded by France, and IOM is providing technical and visual assistance.  When completed in 2024, the social rooms will benefit more than 360 families in Mariupol - more than 1,000 people.
Overall, it is planned to provide social rooms to more than 6,000 vulnerable residents of Mariupol across Ukraine who are in dire need of support to improve their living conditions under the I'Mariupol.Housing programme.


"More than 6,000 residents of Mariupol have already applied through the I'Mariupol centres and are waiting to receive social housing. These are the most vulnerable categories of families - families with many children, families of prisoners of war, people with disabilities, older people, families with people killed in the hostilities, and others. I'Mariupol. Housing is a unique project to support Mariupol residents, which we are scaling up to other regions of Ukraine. This will allow us to provide them with the help they need to get back to life in a difficult period," said Vadym Boichenko, Mayor of Mariupol.
The programme is supported by the Government of Ukraine. Currently, a number of other cities in the country have options for renovation.
The interim results of the I'Mariupol. Housing programme in 2023, the prospects for its expansion and further implementation, and the search for partners in 2024 were discussed at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Mariupol City Council.



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