The first module of the Community Recovery Academy successfully completed!

The first module of the Community Recovery Academy successfully completed!
The educational programme aimed at preparing municipal managers for reconstruction has been completed with a practical workshop.
Experience based on real-life examples:
Representatives of the communities visited Bucha to learn about local recovery projects. In Kyiv, they discussed the next steps, how to take into account the opinions of residents and act effectively.
Key insights:
The participants analysed the elements of a rapid response strategy using the example of the "Fast Recovery Plan" by the team of Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko. During the group work, they offered their ideas for improving communities based on this plan.
There are three more modules ahead, where participants will:
- study economic modelling;
- explore approaches to urban and territorial recovery;
- look for solutions to return people, overcome conflicts and attract investment.
Each module will end with practical workshops.
"We feel a great interest of municipalities in our experience of creating Mariupol Reborn and European practices. The Community Recovery Academy is an opportunity for a new generation of municipal managers to get real tools for rapid community recovery through cooperation with leading universities," - said Vadym Boichenko.
The Community Recovery Academy continues to move forward to rebuild Ukraine! The programme is being implemented with the help of grant funds from the British Embassy in Ukraine and FCDO.