
Центри підтримки

On guard of immunity: taking care of the health of Mariupol residents!

In addition to treatment, the I'Mariupol network pays great attention to the timely detection and prevention of diseases. On the occasion of World Immunity Day, the support centres held a series of educational activities with doctors. They talked about the importance of prevention and how to stay healthy.


In Lviv, a meeting with our doctors called " Mysteries of immunity" was held. Mariupol residents learned all about the problems associated with the spread of various immune diseases. They discussed how to protect themselves from unpleasant and sometimes dangerous diseases.


"The main secret of the body is that it is a whole system. Therefore, you need to take care of it and follow a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition, taking vitamins and supplements, physical activity and regular sleep," - said the centre's doctor.

Профілактичні заходи у Львові

A useful training on the peculiarities of the immune system was held in Odesa. One of the ways to strengthen it is through regular vaccinations for all ages.


A separate information and consultation lecture on childhood vaccinations was organised in Dnipro for the parents of our young Mariupol residents. The pediatrician from the I'Mariupol centre spoke about the preparation and conduct of vaccinations, the timing of preventive vaccinations, mandatory and additional vaccinations, as well as the benefits and risks of vaccination.


Medical consultations were also held in Ivano-Frankivsk. The importance of a balanced diet, an active lifestyle, regular physical activity and healthy sleep was discussed.


During the lecture the impact of stress on the immune system and methods of reducing it, such as meditation, yoga and other relaxation techniques were also discussed.


"Health is a treasure, and our immune system is its biggest wealth. Let's take good care of it!" – said Mykola.


The team of Mariupol municipality cares about the health of Mariupol residents. Everyone has the opportunity to get a free consultation from doctors at I'Mariupol centres.




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