
Я Маріуполь. Житло

Philanthropists help to organise children's leisure time in Mariupol dormitory

Together with our friends and partners, we do our best to take care of the adaptation, socialisation and development of young Mariupol residents who have experienced the horrors of war. We also organise leisure activities for children of Mariupol families living in the Dnipro dormitory "I'Mariupol. Comfort".


Thus, team of the Humanitarian centre "Proliska" in Dnipro, which operates with the support of UNHCR Ukraine - Refugee Agency in Ukraine, conducted activities for children in a temporary shelter during the air alert in the winter.


Заняття в укритті з психологами "Проліски" 

The psychologists taught the children to adopt a new model of behaviour and to switch from external uncontrollable circumstances to contact with the group. During the sessions, the little Mariupol residents united, mastered communication skills and revealed their personality traits.


In late February, a psychologist from the international organisation ADRA also held an interesting workshop for the young residents. By creating paper bouquets for their beloved mothers, the children developed fine motor skills, creative thinking, and the ability to work in a team and help each other.


And recently, the Head of the foundation “Talented Ukraine”, Mykyta Sypchenko, visited the Mariupol dormitory with gifts. He brought the children gouache and colourful plasticine to organise play based activities for artistic and aesthetic education. And for interesting leisure, he presented a lot of toys: various types of equipment for boys and dolls and toy dishes for girls.


 Хлопці з подарованими іграшками


Children who have experienced the horror of war are particularly responsive to the present. They are unbreakable and able to adapt to different conditions. We are grateful to all those who care and help bring smiles back to their faces and give them joy.

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