
Я Маріуполь. Житло

The "Provision of small grants to local NGOs to support shelter needs" project has been implemented by us with the support of the Hungarian Ecumenical Aid Service

Dear likeminded friends, we are pleased to share some important news with you!
The "Provision of small grants to local NGOs to support shelter needs" project has been implemented by us with the support of the Hungarian Ecumenical Aid Service. 

This project aims to provide accommodation in a dormitory at 36, Neil Armstrong Street, Dnipro, for vulnerable groups of people who have lost their homes. As part of the project, 336 chairs were purchased for 202 dorm rooms.

The provision of high-quality and modern furniture will help create comfortable living conditions, which will have a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state of vulnerable groups and improve their quality of life.



The refurbished dormitories are planned to be used on a long-term basis, given the number of people who have lost their homes in Mariupol and the long period of recovery after de-occupation. Thus, the purchased chairs will ensure comfortable living for a long period of time, improving the lives of vulnerable groups of people.

This is an important step in ensuring safety and comfort for those who need help and support. Together we can do more! 

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