
Центри підтримки

On-site assistance: mobile office of “I'Mariupol. Next to you” started working in Ternopil region

Mariupol residents have already been visited in the town of Chortkiv. The project’s goal is to bring aid from the “I'Mariupol” centers to remote communities where Mariupol families are temporarily living. Reaching as many Mariupol residents as possible and making the aid accessible is the task set by the Mayor of Mariupol, Vadym Boichenko.



Mariupol residents have already been visited in the town of Chortkiv. The project’s goal is to bring aid from the “I'Mariupol” centers to remote communities where Mariupol families are temporarily living. Reaching as many Mariupol residents as possible and making the aid accessible is the task set by the Mayor of Mariupol, Vadym Boichenko.


A mobile team with a social worker, a lawyer, an administrator of the ASC and a doctor went to Chortkiv. The specialists brought humanitarian aid and provided consultations on various issues to everyone. 


“We thank the Mariupol City Council for providing such support. Not everyone has the opportunity to get to the center, and such a mobile group with a humanitarian mission is just what we need!” say Mariupol residents. 




In Ternopil region, the mobile team is planning to additionally reach more than 700 families from Mariupol. 


As a reminder, the project “I'Mariupol. Next to You” is being implemented on a pilot basis in the Western District. Initially, it was launched in the Lviv region's communities, covering six of its remote areas. The project is currently expanding to other regions. Help is on the way!



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