We are launching a fundraiser to buy a protected vehicle for Donetsk Region State Emergency Service!

Dear friends, it is crucial now more than ever to support our emergency workers who risk their lives every day to help civilians in the frontline regions. The State Emergency Service in Donetsk Region needs a protected vehicle to carry out rescue operations in conditions of constant danger.
The goal of the fundraiser: UAH 250,000.
These funds will be used to purchase a vehicle that will ensure the safety of rescuers when they go to hot spots, allow them to quickly evacuate people and deliver the necessary assistance to areas where it is most needed.
Each of your hryvnias can save lives!
Any amount makes a difference - together we can make a big step towards protecting those who protect us every day.
Link to donate: https://www.liqpay.ua/uk/checkout/i48633155360
To the victory together!