
School of Community Recovery is an opportunity to build future Ukraine on new grounds

"School of Community Recovery" is about a chance to rebuild Ukraine on the basis of new principles." This is what Natalia Yemchenko, a member of the Supervisory Board of "Mariupol.Reborn" and Communications Director at SCM, said at the presentation of the first Community Recovery School in Ukraine.


This innovative educational programme, supported by Rinat Akhmetov's businesses - Metinvest and SCM - is designed to train professionals who will lead the country's post-war reconstruction. It is primarily aimed at communities affected by russian aggression.


"It is a great honour for Rinat Akhmetov's business system to be a partner and founder of the School of Recovery. This School is about a chance to rebuild Ukraine on the basis of new principles. It is a chance to leap over old problems and make Ukrainian cities competitive for many years to come. To do this, we need to rely on partners. These are educational partners. These are our city partners. People have always been crucial. The capacity of communities should always be in focus," emphasised Natalia Yemchenko.



According to Natalia, SCM and Metinvest are always focused on the future. The companies are already investing in key sectors such as construction, power industry and metallurgy. However, success in rebuilding depends on the availability of qualified specialists who will stay in Ukraine. The main goal is not only to attract talented people, but also to retain them in their communities.


For people to see real prospects, they need to be shown an action plan and opportunities for community development. The core of the "School of Community Recovery" curriculum is the experience of the "Mariupol Reborn" initiative and international knowledge of rebuilding cities after the Second World War. This will help communities develop their own recovery strategy and be prepared for a quick recovery.


"School of Community Recovery", founded by the Association of Ukrainian Cities and NGO "Mariupol.Reborn", is designed to train municipal managers for the post-war recovery period. The project is supported by the UK Government under the UK International Development Programme and the International Republican Institute (IRI Ukraine) in cooperation with Metinvest and SCM. The project's educational partners are Metinvest Polytechnic and the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.


It is worth reminding that these plans were made possible thanks to the grant funds from the British Embassy in Ukraine and FCDO. Thank you for your support.



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