
Я Маріуполь. Житло

First families from Mariupol moved into new social housing in Dnipro

The first families from Mariupol received keys to studio apartments in a 10-storey building of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. Modern social housing has been created here. The rooms have been renovated, furnished and equipped with modern living areas, children's rooms, coworking spaces and a gym, all for the comfort of the residents. 


In total, 200 families from Mariupol will live in the dormitory. Among them are large families, families of the military, pensioners, disabled people. The move in is to be carried out in stages. At the first stage, 43 families will be accommodated. Later, more than 150 families will move in.



"Thanks to our partners, we are able to implement ambitious projects to support Mariupol residents. I am grateful to the Government of France, which has been a reliable partner in peaceful Mariupol and continues to cooperate with our community to solve the housing problem. Five more buildings are currently being renovated. In total, more than 450 families of Mariupol residents will be able to live in social housing in Dnipro," said Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko. 


A new transparent model of cooperation has been introduced to increase the level of trust from international partners. According to this model, the Mariupol City Council issues an order and provides technical and visual specifications. And the donor independently selects the contractor, who conducts tenders and controls finances.


Regional Manager of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Leila Salehivaresh, noted the importance of consolidating efforts to support IDPs:


"As an organisation, we are very pleased to participate in this project, which provides quality temporary accommodation to support people in the difficult times of war."



Rinat Akhmetov Foundation has funded the arrangement of common areas in the dormitories - kitchens, playrooms, coworking spaces and playgrounds. 


"Before restoring Mariupol after its liberation, our key goal is to preserve the Mariupol community, to save its energy and resources. For this very purpose, the Mariupol City Council, with the support of partners, particularly Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, is now solving the housing problem. New housing becomes not only a shelter for these people, but also a centre of Mariupol in different cities of Ukraine," said Natalia Yemchenko, SCM Communications Director and member of the Supervisory Board of NGO "Mariupol Reborn".


The project "I'Mariupol. Housing" is being implemented with the support of the Government of France, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the "Proliska" Humanitarian Mission and the UNO. It is planned to expand the geography of the programme to Chernivtsi, Zaporizhzhia, Kropyvnytskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk and Kyiv.



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