
School of Community Recovery: announcement of the first open lecture!

The online lecture will take place on 17 October. Its topic is "Global experience in rebuilding cities after wars and destruction: cases and solutions" 


This is a unique opportunity to learn about the experience of rebuilding cities after devastating events, as well as how it can be applied to the development of Ukrainian communities. 


The lecture will be of special interest to municipal managers, community representatives, and anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of urban anti-crisis solutions.


The speaker is Mat Bell, a professor of architecture at the University of Maryland, a practicing architect and an international expert on urban reconstruction after disasters. His professional experience is based on successful international cases recognised by leading architectural and urban institutions.


During the lecture, you will have the chance to
learn about successful global examples of urban reconstruction
get to know specific solutions that will help your community
get inspired by new ideas for development and reconstruction


The lecture is open to all the interested. This is a great opportunity to expand your vision of the future of Ukrainian cities.


Date: 17 October. 
Time: 15:00 - 17:00. 
Registration by the link: https://forms.gle/tVkKuZv9bsKTsEEo7


Final stage of application: 
until 16 October (inclusive)


Join the discussion and discover new opportunities for the development of your communities!


"The School of Community Recovery" was founded by the Association of Ukrainian Cities and the NGO "Mariupol.Reborn." The project is implemented with the support of the UK Government under the UK International Development programme and the International Republican Institute (IRI Ukraine) in partnership with Metinvest and SCM. The educational partners of the project are Metinvest Polytechnic and the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.


«Школа відновлення громад» заснована Асоціацією міст України та ГО «Маріуполь.Реборн». Проєкт реалізується за підтримки Уряду Великої Британії в рамках програми UK International Development та Міжнародного республіканського інституту (IRI Ukraine) у партнерстві з Метінвест та SCM. Освітніми партнерами проєкту є Метінвест Політехніка та Національний університет «Києво-Могилянська Академія».




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